National Security and Intelligence Studies Scholar

Subordinating Intelligence: The DoD/CIA Post-Cold War Relationship, University Press of Kentucky. 2019.
Chapters in Edited Books
“Intelligence in Ukraine: Success, Failure, or Signaling Revolutionary Change,?” in Adib Farhadi, Mark Grzegorzewski, and Anthony J. Masys (Eds.), Great Power Competition – Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine. Springer Publishing. 2023.
“Organizing for the ‘Gray Zone’ Fight: Early Cold War Realities and the CIA’s Directorate of Operations,” In Thomas A. Marks and Kirklin J. Bateman (Eds.), Perspectives on the American Way of War: The U.S. Experience in Irregular Conflict, Routledge Press. 2019.
Peer Reviewed Articles
“Want ‘Strategically Minded Warfighters?’ Then Make ‘Intellectualism’ a Military Value,” InterPopulum: Journal of Irregular Warfare and Special Operations. https://interpopulum.org/want-strategically-minded-warfighters-then-make-intellectualism-a-military-value/.
“Spreading the “Smog of War”: The Impact of Propaganda, Social Media, and OSINT on U.S. Civil-Intelligence Relations,” (co-authored with Jeff Rogg), Intelligence and National Security. DOI: 10.1080/02684527.2024.2322803.
“Organizing for the ‘Gray Zone’ Fight: Early Cold War Realities and the CIA’s Directorate of Operations,” Small Wars and Insurgencies. Vol. 30, Issue 01, 62-80.
“Adapting to Change: Strategic Turning Points and the CIA/DoD Relationship,” InterAgencyJournal. 5(1), Winter 2014, 3-11.
“Ten Years of GWOT, the Failure of Democratization and the Fallacy of Ungoverned Spaces” (co-authored with Pat Proctor), Journal of Strategic Security. 5 (1): 1-14.
“Taming the Rogue Elephant?,” American Intelligence Journal. Winter 2008/2009, 61-67.
Other Publications
“Appreciating the World: A Framework for Doing Socio-Political Analysis,” in Robert Burrell (Ed), Resilience and Resistance: Interdisciplinary Lessons in Irregular Warfare, Competition, and Deterrence. JSOU Press. Pending.
“Educate as You Operate: Developing National Security Practitioners for Strategic Competition” (co-authored with David Ucko), GNSI Decision Brief. February 7, 2024.
“The Problems of a Militarized Foreign Policy for America’s Premiere Intelligence Agency,” War on the Rocks, 02 May 2019 (https://warontherocks.com/2019/05/the-problems-of-a-militarized-foreign-policy-for-americas-premier-intelligence-agency/).
“Perfection of Process Does Not Equal Perfect Understanding,” Military Review. January/February 2015.
"Partners or Competitors?: The Evolution of the DoD/CIA Relationship since Desert Storm and its Prospects for the Future,” Joint Special Operations University Report 14-2. May 2014.
Book Reviews
Review of The Insurgent’s Dilemma: A Struggle to Prevail, by David H. Ucko, Special Operations Journal (pending).
Review of The Recruiter: Spying and the Lost Art of American Intelligence, by Doug London, Special Operations Journal (pending).
Review of The Conceit of Humanitarian Intervention, by Rajan Menon, InterAgency Journal, 12-1 (March 2022), 70-72.
Review of Special Forces Berlin: Clandestine Cold War Operations of the US Army’s Elite: 1956-1990, Parameters, Autumn 2021.
Review of Security as Politics: Beyond the State of Exception, by Andrew W. Neal, Intelligence and National Security.
Review of Secret Intelligence: A Reader, edited by Christopher Andrew, Richard J. Aldrich, and Wesley K. Wark, Intelligence and National Security.
Review of Statecraft by Stealth: Secret Intelligence and British Rule in Palestine, by Steven Wagner, Special Operations Journal, 5(2): 199-200.
Review of A Spy Among Friends: Kim Philby and the Great Betrayal, by Ben Macintyre, Military Review (November/December 2014): 135-136.
Review of Breach of Trust: How Americans Failed Their Soldiers and Their Country, by Andrew Bacevich, Military Review (July/August 2014): 102-103.